But then it’s perfectly fine if Joseph sells it to them, right?

Published: April 30, 2015 at 10:53am


You just have to give up. The lunatics have taken over the asylum, right and proper.

Five hundred signatures already for an Avaaz petition about something that isn’t even possible: an ILLEGAL immigrant being given Maltese citizenship.

Not only don’t these idiots know how the law works, or the meaning of ‘illegal’, or even how you get citizenship (marry Manuel Mallia and get it quickly in the year he’s minister responsible for citizenship, by having your husband use his ministerial discretion), but they don’t see any conflict between this and the way they’re OK with ‘Joseph’ selling Maltes citizenship to the very same people if they can come up with the cash.

So what they’re objecting to is not African immigrants getting Maltese citizenship (which isn’t happening anyway) but African immigrants getting it for free instead of buying it for cash. But confront them with this and they’ll be confused.