Funny how the law restricts adoption age but does nothing to prevent this madness
I’d say it’s hardly a record – after all, it’s not as though she got pregnant in her old age like the Biblical Sarah, which would certainly have been a miracle because it is a biological impossibility.
I just can’t understand the madness and irresponsibility that would make a person do this, the madness and irresponsibility of the doctors who did it, and the madness and irresponsibility of the law that allows it.
This is just the stupidest act of self-serving craziness. You can’t even call this ‘having a baby’. They are some other woman’s eggs (and therefore some other woman’s entire genetic package), fertilised by a total stranger’s sperm (and therefore incorporating a total stranger’s genetic package), implanted in a woman of 65 who receives hormonal treatment to serve purely as an incubator/growth receptacle.
The woman doesn’t even deliver the baby or babies, so she doesn’t even actually give birth to them. They’re removed from her by Caesarean section. Even women 30 years her junior are generally down for Caesarean sections by default, and practically all multiple deliveries are no matter the age of the mother.
There is no way on earth a 65-year-old body could cope with labour and delivery through the birth canal of even one baby, let alone four.
So if the baby (four, actually) isn’t yours anyway, why even bother? To pretend? To make-believe? Why not just adopt? Oh yes, it’s because at that age, you’re not allowed to adopt babies.
How ironic.
This woman’s decision is insane on so many counts that it makes you just want to despair of human selfishness. At 65, taking on even one baby is totally selfish and irresponsible, let alone four. How horrible is it going to be for them? It doesn’t even bear thinking about. When they’re doing their A-levels, mummy is 83 – that is, if they even get to do their A-levels and if mummy, at the age of 80, has managed to get them to through that tetchy patch at 15 and stay on the rails.
A 65-year-old woman, looking after four babies. A 70-year-old woman, looking after four five-year-olds. Some people should be jailed for their personal choices. It’s all about them, and the people whose lives they affect are not considered at all.
In Germany, when you have a great number of children it’s possible to live really comfortably off social assistance. Maybe this nutty woman has turned herself into a permanent baby-farm as a career choice.