None of them should have been there in the first place

Published: April 10, 2015 at 12:01pm

Three members of the CHOGM organisation team – security head Kurt Cini and communications coordinators Alessandra Pace and Deborah Grech – have resigned purportedly because of “differences with Phyllis Muscat”.

Though working for somebody as unfit for purpose as Mrs Muscat must, in that high-pressure context, be absolute hell, I wouldn’t rush to sympathise because the same should be said of the rest of them.

They are not professionals in their field but Taghna Lkoll appointees and shouldn’t have been there in the first place. That is exactly one of the reasons why they couldn’t cope. They’re not trained for the job and have none of the experience required.

Kurt Cini, put in charge of security – a position normally occupied by a top policeman or army officer – is a property developer who runs a construction business. His father and Simone Cini’s are brothers.

Alessandra Pace worked on the Labour Party’s general election campaign team, featured prominently in the party’s Malta Taghna Lkoll campaign video, and was one of the Labour Party’s ‘outreach workers’ who were tasked with, literally, reaching out and drawing in people from different social groups and networks. Her target group was ‘tal-pepe 20s’ – she was literally everywhere with everyone, having appeared suddenly out of nowhere. There were similar outreach operatives in all networks and social groups.

So no. It isn’t particularly significant that they have resigned. What was significant was that they were given Taghna Lkoll jobs for which they were unfit for purpose, with no competitive process but only a corrupt one.

They have no right to complain about Phyllis Muscat when they are part of the same sleazy mess.

taghna lkoll chogm