Now he’s denying going to the Bahamas to talk about money

Published: April 10, 2015 at 11:53pm

This piece was carried in The Malta Independent on Sunday two weeks ago, but I’d still like to flag it up for discussion.

John Dalli, cross and agitated, denies that the purpose of his visit to the Bahamas (there was actually more than one visit, but it’s only the one in which he abandoned the EU meeting in Cyprus to fly there and back in 24 hours which made the news) was to talk about money.

But that’s not what he said then, was it. He said then that he went there to discuss the money a charity wanted to invest in projects in Africa.

We have discovered since then that the ‘charity’ is actually a Ponzi scheme run by a company called Tyre Ltd, set up in Malta by John Dalli & Associates with his daughter as a director, which itself is controlled by a fraudster called Mary Swan aka Lady Bird or LB, who lures people in by pretending to be a Christian who invests in Asian gold mines.

dalli interview