Posted by one of the victims of John Dalli’s/Lady Bird’s Ponzi scheme

Published: April 10, 2015 at 11:16am

John Dalli 3

Regina Hayes is her real name. She is a 70-year-old American Christian living in South Carolina and she was ‘helped’ to reinvest her life savings (she is now living off social security) in a gold mining operation run by Tyre Ltd that turned out not to exist but to be, instead, a giant Ponzi scheme run by Lady Bird/Mary Swan with the assistance of John Dalli, who was doing this while he was a European Commissioner.

Mrs Hayes wired her money to HSBC Bank in St Julian’s, Malta, to an account held in the name of Corporate Group Ltd, one of John Dalli’s companies. She never saw her money again, cannot get satisfaction on what happened to it, and after a first few generous ‘interest cheques’ (typical of a Ponzi scheme), payments ceased altogether.

The considerable sums scammed from victims were the money under discussion when John Dalli flew to the Bahamas in a blind 11th-hour panic in 2012 when he was supposed to be at a meeting of European Commissioners in Cyprus. Mary Swan/Lady Bird was in the Bahamas with him, and his daughter Claire Gauci Borda booked the villa in the Bahamas, where the meetings took place, for several weeks in the name of Tyre Ltd.

Regina L Hayes – comment posted on The Malta Independent beneath an interview with John Dalli:

You are so right! He is slicker than a greased pig. He feeds off the tit of whatever party will provide him with protection.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, you really do need to pull back that curtain and see who you’re dealing with. Dalli is for Dalli only and if he doesn’t need your protection or you refuse to give it, I wouldn’t go near any buses.


I would say that Joseph Muscat knows that very well, and it’s the reason he’s keeping Dalli safe and warm.