The man who shot the ‘St Edward’s’ kestrel – yet another Laburist
So far, the man who shot the cuckoo, the man who shot the lapwing and the man who shot the Dutch tourist have all been old-school Laburisti. The wife of the first even makes cakes decorated with the Malta Taghna Lkoll logo and uploads picture of them on Facebook.
So you won’t be surprised at all when I tell you that the latest hero – the man found guilty today of shooting the ‘St Edward’s’ kestrel, who has been jailed for a year, had his hunting licence revoked, his shotgun confiscated and fined 5,000 euros – is also one of that kind.
He is 24-year-old Kirsten ‘Il-Benghazi’ Mifsud and here he is, posing with Health and Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi and some Labour Party flags. In both photographs, he’s the one on the far right (how appropriate).
If anybody tells me it’s just a coincidence that the hunters charged in court with violations of the law in this spring season are all raging Laburisti, I’ll have to laugh. It so obviously is not.
They should stick them on the next electoral billboard, as the true face of Labour.