The president of the Law Commission: more crackers than Christmas

Published: April 10, 2015 at 12:51am

franco debono

This was a few days ago, but I’m catching up. You just have to read (if you haven’t already) the completely hilarious comments beneath this article in The Malta Independent.

The President of the Law Commission – a man with a car, chauffeur, security guard and salary for doing sweet FA, his corrupt payment for helping bring down a government from within – is bickering with people in his own name, then interjecting in his own defence as ‘Charlie’, ‘Victor Pisani’ and ‘Joe Tabone’, all of whom share Franco Debono’s paranoid obsession with PN candidate Herman Schiavone.

But we’re not allowed to say that mental illness in some of its worst forms is so far from being stigmatised in Malta that it’s on full public display in some of the country’s most prominent citizens. And people in general treat it as normal that they should be so crackers that all that’s missing is the cheese.

This country is in the grip of mass Stockholm Syndrome.