Mrs Peron ramps up the school visits

Published: May 20, 2015 at 2:09pm
Michelle Muscat takes a break from visiting privileged children in their schools and pops in to the Leisure Clothing factory to spend some time with indentured labourers who have had their passports sequestered by their Chinese and Maltese bosses.

Michelle Muscat takes a break from visiting privileged children in their schools and pops in to the Leisure Clothing factory to spend some time with indentured labourers who have had their passports sequestered by their Chinese and Maltese bosses.

Gracing the descamisados with her presence is something our Lidl version of Eva Peron did only up until March 2013. After that, the visits to poor people, accompanied by a press troupe, stopped.

Suddenly, the poor people were her husband’s responsibility, and drawing attention to their plight meant revealing the fact that there are people with not enough money to live on even after two years in a Labour paradise.

So Mrs Muscat is sticking with the mittilkless, the great big switcher voter-base, and ramping up the visiting to private schools.

This is an email sent to the parents of pupils at St Joseph School in Sliema. As an aside, you’d think that the headmistress of a private school would know the first thing about how to describe the wife of the prime minister, and when to use Mrs not Ms.

Who is “Ms Michelle Muscat” – a school inspector? The desecration of standards continues, even in private schools.

And those capital letters! Shocking. “our School”, “Full Summer Uniform” (the title of a new film, like Full Metal Jacket), “School Shirt, School Skirt, Navy Blue School Socks and clean Navy Blue School Shoes”, “Navy Blue hair accessories”.

If I had a daughter at that school I would be at the headmistress’s door right now, making a scene from hell about proper nouns.

Well, as long as Ms Michelle Muscat is going there on a School Visit, who cares about Things Like That.


Dear Parents/Guardians,

A gentle reminder that Ms Michelle Muscat will be visiting our School tomorrow morning.

All girls are to come to school wearing their Full Summer Uniform, that is, their School Shirt, School Skirt, Navy Blue School Socks and clean Navy Blue School Shoes.

It is important that all girls have their hair neatly brushed and pulled back with Navy Blue hair accessories.

Thanks and regards,

St. Joseph School, Sliema