Statement by The Malta Independent and its Sunday edition

Published: May 12, 2015 at 6:40pm
"Hello, Joseph?"

“Hello, Joseph?”

Standard Publications, publishers of The Malta Independent, its Sunday edition and on-line portal, has issued a statement “categorically denying the serious allegations made by former EU Commissioner John Dalli”.

John Dalli reported the company, its shareholders and directors and one of its journalists, to the police this morning for “extortion and blackmail” and “conspiring against him”.

The newspaper publisher’s statement said that it is “proud of its editorial team and their efforts to report in an independent and unbiased manner”.

It said that the newspaper can prove it has given Dalli “ample editorial space to explain and reply to allegations made in his regard…over the past decade”, and “will give full cooperation to the police in their investigations”.

Any clear-eyed person with the most basic knowledge of the law will see that it is Standard Publications Ltd and The Malta Independent which have grounds to sue John Dalli for grave slander.

The police should also pick him up for filing a false report.

And if I were the newspaper, I most certainly would NOT cooperate with the police. People are not obliged to cooperate with undemocratic police action that is itself unconstitutional.

Using the police to harass newspapers, newspaper owners and journalists is the tactic of a fascist state or a totalitarian government like our new best friend Ilham Aliyev’s.