Taghna Lkoll comedy update: ARMS Contact Centre at Office of the Permanent Delegation of Malta to UNESCO

Published: May 19, 2015 at 5:04pm

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Automated Revenue Management Services (ARMS) Ltd, which bills for water and electricity, has an office in Victoria, Gozo, but also – rather oddly – a ‘contact centre’ which is also the Office of the Permanent Delegation of Malta to UNESCO.

That this diplomatic office is in Gozo, rather than at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where it should be, is a story in itself. I had written about it a couple of years ago when the incoming Labour government appointed a clerical man (and rabid Taghna Lkoller) to the diplomatic post: Monsignor Joe Vella Gauci.

A priest as diplomatic envoy is bad enough, but to save him having to cross over to Valletta every day, they allowed him to set up his office in his comfort zone, Victoria, where is ably assisted by his long time bridesmaid – not to put too fine a point on it, Fabienne Grech.

Now it looks like Fabienne Grech and her sidekick the monsignor/delegate to UNESCO are running an ARMS contact centre as well.