UPDATED/Tell us where Malta stands on the matter of women

Published: May 13, 2015 at 8:44am

Cart before the horse, as usual with Labour: boasting about how Malta leads Europe on the matter of gender identity (note – gender identity, not sexuality) while we bump around at the bottom of the league tables and rankings for women’s issues and women’s participation in society/the workforce.

To say nothing, of course, of the embedded misogyny with which Maltese society, culture and the system itself are plagued.

So now we “lead Europe” on the matter of gender identity while having shameful statistics on women, and even more shameful attitudes towards women.

To see what I mean, compare the top screenshot taken from the print edition of yesterday’s Times of Malta with the one beneath it, taken from today’s print edition.

MOTHER? Mother?When Chris Said was elected to the post of secretary-general, did Times of Malta’s headline say FATHER ELECTED PN SECRETARY-GENERAL? Of course not.

That ‘mother’ headline is straight out of the 1950s. It is designed to undermine Mrs Thake by putting her in the category of women who spend their days doing nothing but the housework and ringing each other to talk about nappy problems.

Fight back, Rosette. Send a stiff letter to the newspaper telling it where to get off with its ‘mother’. If you don’t nip it in the bud they’re going to carry on undermining and patronising you in this way.

Maltese men can be the pits – straight out of the Mad Men era, and the women can be even worse because they’re so envious and feel so threatened. Put your foot down right away. That ‘mother’ tells you exactly where Times of Malta and the journalist in question stand on the matter of your potentially becoming secretary-general. Watch out.


rosette thake