There should have been consultation about the project itself, not about the site

Published: May 20, 2015 at 7:25pm

The prime minister’s latest outrageous gimmick is to try to embroil the electorate – he has done it already with the Opposition – in his messy, secretive dealings with the Jordanian millionaire Hani Hasan Naji Al Salah, by putting out a call on his ‘Prime Minister’ website for suggestions as to alternative sites for the Jordanian business college.

He’s got a form that you can fill out and send in.

You’d have to be quite a sucker to bother. There is only one thing that should be filled in and sent: a note reminding him that, in a democracy, he should have consulted us on the project itself, and not on the site for the building, and that his secretiveness about the whole thing, his refusal to consult the public or discuss it in parliament, points to corruption.
