Why a Jordanian hotel developer wants to build a ‘university’ right there

Published: May 10, 2015 at 11:18am

Take a look at this photograph. That large area of coastal green is exactly where the Jordanian hotel developer Hani Hasan Naji Salah, who is a client of the Labour Party’s auditor Deo Scerri of RSM (his companies are registered to the RSM office address) insists on building his ‘American university’.

The government has said that the project “will not be feasible” unless it is built right there.

Environment NGOs are objecting strongly about the use of this ODZ land – but it shouldn’t only be the environment groups. There are issues here beyond the environment.

There is the salient, significant issue of why a Jordanian hotel operator should have suddenly decided that he wants to diversify into building and running an ‘American university’ and that this university has to be in a coastal area in Spain but when that didn’t happen, he switched to a coastal area in Malta after the “very good salesman for Malta” persuaded him “in one minute” that he should do so.

Zonqor Point