Clint Scerri’s brother Rainer has been put on the public payroll
It is not just Clint Scerri’s Russian wife who has been put on the state payroll (as ‘EU executive control officer’ at the Employment & Training Corporation) but also his older brother Rainer.
He has been given a job as a ‘relief driver’ with the Courts of Justice, chauffeuring magistrates and judges when their own chauffeurs are unwell, on holiday or just unavailable.
Rainer Scerri, 27, is a waterpolo player with a reputation for violence, foul language and aggression. He can’t speak or write English and is sub-literate and inarticulate in Maltese.
In 2010, he was prosecuted and convicted for assaulting a team doctor during a waterpolo match. He was fined and bound over to stay away from the doctor in question.
I am informed that he was also prosecuted for driving while uninsured, but I can’t find details of this case.
Last year, the president of the Aquatic Sports Association, Joe Caruana Curran, filed a complaint against him with the association’s disciplinary committee, because of slanderous comments Scerri wrote about him on Facebook, including one which accused him of working hard to damage the Labour government.