Chris Cardona meets his special envoy of whom he knows nothing

Published: July 9, 2015 at 12:36am

Sai MIzzi and Chris Cardona

When the news broke, almost two years ago now, about Konrad Mizzi’s wife being engaged as some kind of envoy for Malta Enterprise, journalists obviously cornered Chris Cardona about it. He is the minister responsible for Malta Enterprise.

His response was ‘count me out’ body language and a request not to ask him about it because, like the waiter Manuel in Fawlty Towers ‘I know naa-tink.’

Now Sai Mizzi Liang has turned up at his office with the Shanghai Municipal Council, or whatever, and his office has released something long, complicated and completely unintelligible.

I hope the minister seized the opportunity to ask her for her telephone number – not for a date, you understand, because he’s only into ladies from the former Soviet states, especially if they come with a pole a little longer than Ray Calleja’s, but she is supposed to be working for him, after all.

This is the press release: pr151589