Identity Malta’s executive chairman: today’s update

Published: July 31, 2015 at 11:31am
Anna Vella Bonnici, married to Identity Malta's executive chairman - a job has been found for her on the state payroll too

Anna Vella Bonnici, married to Identity Malta’s executive chairman – a job has been found for her on the state payroll too

So far we know that Joe Vella Bonnici has put two of his sisters (Dorothy Pace and Kathryn Mercieca) and one brother (Tano Vella Bonnici, a pensioner) on the payroll at Identity Malta.

Some of you posted comments and emailed to ask: what about his wife? Didn’t he find her a job?

Today I am pleased (not that ‘pleased’ is the right word in this sleazy context) to report that Joe Vella Bonnici has indeed found his wife a job on the public payroll. But instead of engaging her at Identity Malta – face it, how many men want their wife in the office – he has found her a very comfortable position at Malta Industrial Parks.

Yes, Anna Vella Bonnici, who used to work for a firm of lawyers before the general election, popped straight onto the state payroll after the election of Taghna Lkoll, as personal assistant to Joshua Zammit (himself a Taghna Lkoll appointee), CEO of Malta Industrial Parks. It was a direct appointment – the job was not advertised and there was no interview process with other applicants.