President throws party while Shakespeare play is in progress

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get what you said. Marie Louise’s guests are getting a little out of hand back there.”
I have received this email from a reader:
Maybe this email is about something trivial considering the serious events taking place on this rock at the moment. However, I believe this to be a clear example of the all-pervasive lack of standards in this cultural desert we call Taghna Lkoll.
Yesterday evening we were at San Anton Palace gardens for the usual Shakespeare play. This year, it’s Romeo and Juliet.
During the crucial balcony scene, the audience was treated to the raucous sound of hamalli having a good time in the palace courtyard just behind the declaiming Juliet.
I went up to the sound crew who told me that they cannot do anything as the President had just hosted a recital and the racket was the drinks party which followed.
So the audience spent most of the first act listening to Romeo and Juliet framed in the context of a bawling hamallata.
I’m told that this has been happening for the past two years.