Ronnie Pellegrini’s employer is shocked at what happened to Daboma Jack
Helena Dalli, the Minister for Civil Liberties, said in the press today that she is shocked at what happened to Jack Daboma. She said she will visit him to apologise on behalf of the Maltese people.
No thanks, Mrs Dalli. Stick to apologising on behalf of your sorts of people. Because I think that if I bet everything I own that the woman who spat at and slapped him, and the people cheering her on, voted for your party and for you to be made minister, I’m likely to win.
And that is not political stereotyping. That is psychological profiling, and even the police do it.
The fact that people were beaten up on a routine basis by the henchmen of the Labour Party in the 1980s did not stop Mrs Dalli from voting for it. Dom Mintoff was the most aggressive and violent suppressor of fundamental human rights, and not only did she adore him, but when he wrote a (terrible, unreadable) column for The Malta Independent in 1992, the typewritten sheets were not collected from him but from Helena Dalli. I know this for a fact, because I was the one whose job it was to pick them up.
Mrs Dalli pretends to be horrified, says she will apologise on our behalf, and then what does she do? She makes that thug Ronnie Pellegrini her chief of staff, then demotes him but gives him another job in her private secretariat when there’s a fuss in the press.
Ronnie Pellegrini was Lorry Sant’s main thug. His purpose was to terrify people and beat them up when they didn’t get into line.
I have an eyewitness account of somebody who watched him burst into a factory, when Labour was in government in the 1980s, with two other thugs and kick a security guard unconscious with their reinforced boots, then lay into his face and head with crash helmets.
Yes, Helena Dalli’s Ronnie Pellegrini, the very same.