So much for the ‘skandlu taz-zejt’

Published: July 12, 2015 at 10:53am

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Tony Cassar of Cassar Shipyard is one of the men being prosecuted and investigated for involvement in the ‘skandlu taz-zejt’.

But that didn’t stop the incoming prime minister, Joseph Muscat, who surged to power on the back of that ‘skandlu’, from appointing his daughter Andrea Cassar, of Super One’s Liquorish fame, to his National Festivities Committee.

It was one of the first memorable scenes of his premiership – he brought the television cameras into the Office of the Prime Minister to film a row of excited Taghna Lkollers, all beaming with delight, while he walked up the file greeting each one in turn. I remember clearly that Andrea Cassar was among them, and I thought, “But isn’t the Labour Party kicking up a scandal about her father and Cassar Shipyard right now? Andrea runs Cassar Shipyard – she gave a big interview about it to one of the magazines.”

But you know how it is in Malta – u ejja, mhux xorta, we’ll make a fuss about her father on Super One while she runs a show on the same station and meanwhile appoint her to our festivities committee (and what do you know, she goes along).

Now Cassar Shipyard has gone one step further and is getting involved with the head of state. It’s running a Barge (capital B) in the President’s Cruise for Solidarity, the ultimate aim, of course, being a photo opportunity for Tony Cassar with Malta’s president.

If you wish to join in the fun, be sure to be there at 19.15am.