This ‘contract’ could have been drawn up tonight

Silvan Fenech, the Minister for the Economy’s Portomaso landlord and drinking companion at the Stable in Valletta
The Minister for the Economy has published his ‘contract’ (it’s actually a lease agreement and as a lawyer he should know that) with Silvan Fenech of the Tumas Group, in which Fenech is the landlord and he is the tenant.
The lease agreement is dated “1st December 2014” but could have been drawn up tonight. You could whip up one just like it yourself right now and get your friend to countersign it.
This is not a lease agreement with a proper letting agency. This is a lease agreement with his drinking buddy from the Stable bar. They could have whipped it up at any time, like tonight.
And guess what? The Minister for the Economy can’t show us any cashed cheques to prove that he has paid rent, nor can Silvan Fenech of the Tumas Group show us any receipts to show that his drinking-buddy the Minister for the Economy has paid him – because “all dues are payable five days before the end of the lease”.
U imbaghad nahfirhomlok meta jigi Settembru, Chris.
And the Minister for the Economy didn’t have to pay a deposit, either.
Read the ‘contract’ here: