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Published: July 14, 2015 at 10:32am
Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, far right, with Lorry Sant and Alfred Sant in the Golden Years of Labour, when she was secretary-general of the Malta Labour Party.

Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, far right, with Lorry Sant and Alfred Sant in the Golden Years of Labour, when she was secretary-general of the Malta Labour Party.

Sent in by ‘mnms’ beneath the post about the president walking out of Din L-Art Helwa’s 50th anniversary dinner straight after the first course:

The head of state did not walk out after the first course at the ‘gala dinner’ held by the Malta Developers Association a few days ago at Malta’s largest illegal development, Montekristo Estate.

She was more at home there, with the likes of Sandro Chetcuti.

Straight from the speech she gave that night: “Sandro, fakkarni min huma l-benfatturi hi, ghax ma nistax niftakarom kollha.”

That’s the head of state for you. You’ve got to love that ‘hi’.