Who’s that man talking rudely to Mrs Mizzi with his finger in her face at the start of this video?

Published: July 17, 2015 at 8:16am

UPDATE/He is Matthew Carbone, who moved from the Labour Party’s television station Super One to the Office of the Prime Minister, another Super One hack put on the state payroll at the PM’s communications office, who we hadn’t known about.

And now he’s sticking his finger in the Special Envoy’s face.

She’s also got the Foreign Minister’s son-in-law, Joe Cuschieri, hovering over her and looks at him for reassurance when she says she is a “salesman for Malta” (taken straight from Thaer Mukbal of Sadeem Education Investment Ltd and his ‘praise’ of the prime minister).

“Judge me by what I do for you,” Mrs Mizzi says, pointing at the journalists. I thought she was a Maltese citizen too – or has she now become Chinese again?