This news report synthesises so much that is wrong with Malta

Published: August 20, 2015 at 9:12pm


A drug-dealer called Pierre Cremona, whose illegal ‘boathouse’ in Armier was bombed in a drugs turf-war two years ago, has been caught by police driving about town with half a kilo of cannabis on the passenger seat.

The prosecuting officer is Police Inspector Gabriel Micallef, whose sister lives with the notorious PC Paul Sheehan, whose drive-by shoot-out in the minister’s car he chauffeured led to the removal of the Police Minister. Inspector Micallef was caught on camera in the tunnel with Sheehan that night when the car with bullet-holes was removed prematurely. He was not on duty and had arrived in his girlfriend’s car, which was also photographed.

The defence lawyer is the President of the Law Commission, Franco Debono.