Father of Justice Minister’s mistress’s son responds to her Facebook claim that she is a single mother

Published: September 19, 2015 at 7:59pm

These comments were posted by Joseph Vassallo, the father of Janice Bartolo’s son, on this website today, beneath my post about the subject and in response to others who commented.

Janice Bartolo, 28, is a Labour Party employee detailed to the party’s television station. Her affair with the Minister for Justice, Owen Bonnici, ended his marriage when his wife, a nurse at the state general hospital, discovered it. He had been lying to her for months. The separation was not resolved amicably, and the end of the Justice Minister’s marriage is now before the Courts of Justice for which he is, embarrassingly, responsible.


Janice Bartolo did not even need to go to a lawyer to get maintenance from me for our son, or to make sure I was involved in raising him.

She has been receiving financial maintenance and practical support from me from day 1, since she got pregnant, but still until today we receive letters, emails and text messages from her asking for more and more.

She makes my life very difficult even though she had support all the way.

‘Iva, jien wahda minnhom’ – not at all.


Minister Owen Bonnici is not bringing up or taking care of my son in any way.I know how to take care of my son and do not need anyone’s help to do so.

This is what Janice Bartolo wrote on Facebook, claiming that she is a single mother. I wrote that a single mother is not the same thing as an unmarried mother or a woman who is separated from her husband, but a woman who is bringing up a child alone without any involvement from its father because he was never on the scene, has disappeared, or doesn't want to be involved.

This is what Janice Bartolo wrote on Facebook, claiming that she is a single mother. I wrote that a single mother is not the same thing as an unmarried mother or a woman who is separated from her husband, but a woman who is bringing up a child alone without any involvement from its father because he was never on the scene, has disappeared, or doesn’t want to be involved.

The Minister for Justice

The Minister for Justice

Janice Bartolo

Janice Bartolo