Radju Malta 2 Facebook page taken down after Norman Hamilton comment

Norman Hamilton, 1970s radio DJ, appointed High Commissioner in London by the Taghna Lkoll government
The Facebook page for Radju Malta 2 – the public service broadcaster’s secondary radio station – has been taken down.
After the comment shown here was published, and attention was drawn to it on this website, Malta’s high commissioner in London, Norman Hamilton, apparently rang Anton Attard, CEO of the public service broadcaster, and expressed his displeasure.
The page administrator, Ray Bajada, was summoned to the CEO’s office on Independence Day last Monday (my post had gone up at 11.35pm the previous night) and the page was taken down.
I had no idea that Ray Bajada, who was semi-fossilised already when I was 16, was still alive. But he’s sufficiently alive for Taghna Lkoll to have put him on the public payroll post March 2013.
Bajada was a 1970s radio DJ just like Norman Hamilton – but then he had a shop for a brief while circa 1980 in Prince of Wales Road (since renamed Manwel Dimech Street) in Sliema, where he sold random esoteric things and sat knitting.
Nice to know that he’s been receiving a state-sector salary under Taghna Lkoll as ‘coordinator’ for Radju Malta 2.
Now that I know it was he who wrote and uploaded that comment, I am not surprised at all. And I was correct about the tone of familiarity – Bajada and Hamilton were contemporaries in radio, and Bajada is probably teed off that Hamilton is now a politically-appointed diplomat while he is a radio station coordinator. He wants to bring him down to size.