Stealing from those who have nothing

Published: September 8, 2015 at 11:28pm

theft of quilts

What sort of Maltese ahdar, who thinks everything is there for the taking, do you have to be to steal 300 duvets bought mainly through charitable donations for people who have absolutely nothing?

Exactly what are these crooks planning to do with 300 duvets? Great to know that security guards are now thieves themselves or in league with thieves.

I suppose they reasoned that the duvets are there “ghal xejn” so they majtezwel take them. It’s the sort of reasoning that means the banks can no longer leave deposit envelopes or deposit slips near indoor ATMs outside bank opening hours, because people see them as free goods for the taking, though heaven knows what they do with them. I suppose a pad of deposit slips can double up as a notebook ghat-tifel.

Now those duvets will have to be replaced before the weather turns cool.