Money is the Muscat government’s god, and those with lots of it can do as they please
Rest assured that if you knock down one person in the street, you will be prosecuted even if the person you have knocked down has few or no injuries.
There is no way out of this. You will end up in court, with the police lined up against you.
But multi-millionaire Paul Bailey mowed down 28 people, leaving at least two of them in a critical condition, and ending up in hospital for a week himself, and he left the island immediately he got out of hospital.
He testified before the inquiry and then he literally fled. He got away with it, because what are the police going to do now – ask for his extradition? They’re the ones who let him go. The fact that they did not arraign him as soon as he left his hospital bed means that they had no intention of arraigning him at all. They let him go.
Then some destitute North African refugee steals some money to buy food and he ends up jailed by Taghna Lkoll magistrate Joe Mifsud for months because – and Mifsud was not ashamed to say so – he wanted to make an example of him.
Paul Bailey with his millions mows down 28 people by showing off with his dangerous driving and leaves the country. Mustafa X with his 50 cents steals a purse and ends up imprisoned for nine months.
I am disgusted.