UPDATED WITH PICTURE/Anglu Farrugia drives right over ceremonial red carpet in Castile Place

Published: November 11, 2015 at 12:24pm

I uploaded this post yesterday, but have now been sent a photograph of Anglu Farrugia’s tyre-marks, which you might wish to see.

Journalists standing outside the Office of the Prime Minister yesterday (Tuesday), waiting for Martin Schulz and Donald Tusk to arrive, tell me that the Speaker of the House, chauffeur-driven in his official limo, rolled up to Castile Place en route to his privileged parking spot right next to Parliament House, but instead of going to the left of the Turd Monument, he drove to the right and straight over the spanking-clean red carpet that had been rolled out for the dignitaries.

Neither the Speaker nor his chauffeur bothered to stop and apologise, despite the sound of protest from several livid officials. They just drove on.

Schulz and Tusk were then greeted by a red carpet with two tyre-marks on it.

Angelo tyre marks MKE11262arfb (2)