Now we know why Helena Dalli has elastic views on violent threats

Published: November 29, 2015 at 12:24pm

The Malta Independent has confirmed that 1980s Lorry Sant thug Ronnie Pellegrini is indeed her chief of staff.

Unusually, his name, position and contact details are not given on the official government list as you can see here.

I had broken the shocking news back in June after checking through the list of government ministers and their senior aides and finding him listed as Helena Dalli’s head of secretariat (chief of staff).

I had taken a screenshot of the list which you can see here.

Immediately after I reported on this story, controversy broke out and Pellegrini’s name disappeared from the list, but was not replaced by anybody else’s.

Helena Dalli then lied to The Malta Independent, on camera, and said that Ronnie Pellegrini is not her chief of staff but works at the Ministry. When the journalist asked her whether the Department of Information had made a mistake in that case, she was evasive and did not answer.

Helena Dalli

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