Sandro Chetcuti urges builders to make hay while the (Labour) sun shines

Published: November 2, 2015 at 11:55am

And he speaks resentfully about the rules “IMPOSED on us by the European Union”.

Somebody should remind this schmuck that the European Union does not IMPOSE rules on Malta, that Malta is actually PART OF the European Union and that the EU is not its hakem or coloniser, and that the rules are meant to be there to protect the rest of us from the depredations of people like him and his speculator-buddies.

Oh, the irony – this is the government that came to power by sounding the clarion-call of environmentalism and by sucking up to the more silly and credulous among the environment lobby. Labour and the environment? Well, ha ha ha to that – leopards don’t change their spots, do they.

It’s always been Labour and land, Labour and building, Labour and land-barons, Labour and speculators, Labour and the spoliation of what used to be called ‘green areas’ and are now Outside Development Zones.

The Nationalist government’s profile on the environment was far from wonderful – in fact, it was pretty bad at times and in parts – but the one thing we can say about it is that it didn’t nail its colours to the building contractors’ mast in this brazen fashion.

“Make hay while the sun shines” – shameless. And where are all those bleating champagne-environmentalists now? Cowed like sheep? Moved on to the next fashionable cause (pink stripes for breast cancer; make-up-free selfies)?

It strikes me that even the non-bleaters don’t know where to begin in the face of this assault.


make hay

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