That backwoods bunny went and bobbed to Queen Elizabeth

Published: November 26, 2015 at 3:34pm

The prime minister’s spouse and her twins – because, of course, she had to foist her twins on the proceedings and stuff them into the public eye yet again so that they have yet another photograph to look at in their old age – bobbed down to Queen Elizabeth when they were introduced. It was not a proper curtsey, and thank heavens for that, but it was still completely out of order.

Michelle, Soleil and Etoile Muscat are not British subjects. But maybe the spouse of the Prime Minister is one of those people who thinks that curtseying is the standard way of greeting any queen, rather than the correct form when meeting your sovereign.

This is just as stupid and irritating as those Maltese prime ministers and presidents who meet the Pope in their formal capacity as head of government or head of state meeting another head of state, and then kiss his hand, as though they are meeting him in their capacity as Roman Catholics greeting the leader of their church.

As for the Spouse of the Prime Minister’s clothes – unbelievable, a cocktail dress with black tights. As for Phyllis Muscat, who wore ‘Royal blue’, to quote an astonished friend who was on the phone just now: “My God, she looks like a sofa from Redeemer Furniture that’s chosen to wear a fascinator in the wind and rain.”



michelle queen