How can you possibly expect otherwise from Anglu Farrugia?
The Opposition is paying the price for not putting up massive objections to former ‘pulizija Laburist” (I quote the deputy leader of the Labour Party here) Anglu Farrugia’s appointment as Speaker of the House.
It put up no objections at all and instead crumbled under the bullying demands to be positive and went along with this appointment even though it is an insult to parliament and to democracy.
Anglu Farrugia doesn’t even reason like a normal person trained as a police officer and a lawyer. For heaven’s sake, this is the man who, after the 2008 general election, decided that the Nationalist Party won by buying votes from drug addicts and then called in the media to make a big show of walking in to see Police Commissioner Rizzo with a big file which he claimed contained “evidenza” of voting documents bought for cash from desperate heroin addicts by evil agents of Lawrence Gonzi.
And they make him Speaker, degrading a crucial democratic post just because it suited Joseph Muscat to get him off his back and remove the canker of caused by sacking him as deputy party leader. And the Opposition did not storm about in protest because it was still battered from the electoral loss and reeling under the Labour Party’s self-serving demands to “be positive”.
BE POSITIVE, PEOPLE – we haven’t heard that for a long time, have we.
This is in Times of Malta’s print edition this morning.