Statue to sleazy, dead cult leader Sri Chinmoy installed on Sliema front

Published: January 16, 2016 at 6:34pm

We raise hell when Muslims – members of one of the religions of the Book – pray in public, but then think nothing of erecting a statue to sleazy, dead cult leader Sri Chinmoy, a New York-based fraudster who set up his own sect so that he could live in comfort on the money paid in tithe by his followers, while he manipulated their gullibility and First World credulousness. And his women followers were convenient for sex, too.

Unbelievable. As though it’s not bad enough that we’re cluttering up the country with statues to dead politicians who achieved nothing beyond routinely serving as prime minister and president, plus the occasional statue to the corrupt, like Lorry Sant, or a murderer, like Manuel Dimech. Now we have to add a sleazy cult leader too – and plonked on the actual promenade, too.

Meanwhile, the President’s Office has deleted from her official website the press announcement of her presence at the setting up of this statue a few days ago.

But the internet never forgets. Here is the cached version and you will also see a screenshot below.

sri chinmoy 1

sri chinmoy 2

sri chinmoy 3

president chinmoy