Breaking news/Konrad Mizzi’s company was incorporated in Panama shortly after he became Energy Minister
Konrad Mizzi’s so-called “shell company” was incorporated in Panama, a financial services jurisdiction blacklisted by the European Commission, shortly after the Labour Party was elected to government and he was appointed to the cabinet. It was never declared to parliament in his annual declaration of assets as a government minister: not in 2013, not in 2014 and not in 2015.
This was almost three years ago. Yet he claims that it owns and holds nothing. That is why he didn’t say when and where the company was incorporated, and tried to give the impression that it was incorporated last year in New Zealand just like the trust.
If he told you that it was incorporated almost three years ago – which I am telling you now – you would not believe that it has been flapping around pointlessly for all this time, doing nothing and holding nothing. And if he told you that he had incorporated it in Panama – which I told you earlier today – the many hundreds of people who work in financial services in Malta, and the entire political class, would know exactly why he did this.
But more about this later.
All I can tell you for now about the date when Konrad Mizzi, a government minister in the EU, incorporated his secret company in EU-blacklisted Panama, is that he was embroiled in the thick of negotiations about Enemalta and ‘choosing’ the successful bidder for the power station project at the time, while his boss was working on the deal with Henley & Partners.

Joseph Muscat with Juan Carlos Varela Rodriguez, President of Panama, last year.