Keith Schembri set up a company in offshore tax haven British Virgin Islands shortly before the general election
In the shock of discovering that the Prime Minister’s head of secretariat, Keith Schembri, has an identical Panama/New Zealand structure to Konrad Mizzi’s, set up at exactly the same time by Brian Tonna, many people and my fellow journalists seem to have missed these two crucial points contained in the same news story.
1. Brian Tonna of Nexia BT also set up a company in offshore tax haven the British Virgin Islands (BVI) for Keith Schembri not long before the 2013 general election.
2. When cabinet minister Konrad Mizzi set up his trust in New Zealand to hold his secret company in Panama, he submitted a formal declaration that the proceeds that would be held by it did NOT come from an inheritance (yet in his initial overtures to the newspapers after I broke the story, he claimed that it did).