Liberal Luciano rouses the rabble on Facebook – and out they come with their liberal pitchforks
Luciano Busuttil should stop posting in English. His grammar and syntax are all over the place, his vocabulary is execrable, and it’s just plain embarrassing. His English is as dreadful as my Italian – and I would never dream of posting anything in Italian because I’m well aware of that.
When you’re no longer a teenager and, more pertinently, when you have a certain position in life and work – the chairman of the National Sports Council, for instance, or a journalist – you either speak and write a language perfectly or you step aside. There is no middle road, no ‘u ejja mhux xorta’. If your grammar isn’t perfect or close to perfect, and your vocabulary isn’t large and varied in at least one language, Mr Busuttil, and in your position it should be one language other than Maltese, it means one thing and one thing only: you’re not educated. So get lost, and make way for somebody who is.
You’re bloody embarrassing.