Michelle Muscat has set up her own parallel parliamentary group

Published: February 4, 2016 at 1:28am

It looks like Michelle Muscat, Spouse of the Prime Minister, has set up her own ‘parliamentary group’ – of spouses of members of parliament. Well, no – it’s actually a parliamentary group of WAGs (wives and girlfriends, aka nisa) because Patrick Dalli isn’t among them. Deborah Schembri has lessened the complications for Mrs Muscat by considerately not having what is nowadays known as a partner, and Marlene Farrugia has saved her having to face an awful conundrum by refusing to be a Labour MP anymore, which means that she doesn’t get to go along with them and Godfrey Farrugia doesn’t get to be excluded with Helena Dalli’s husband.

My initial reaction to seeing this ‘WTF’ news item is that Mrs Muscat’s political thinking matches her 1950s outfits.
