Mossack Fonseca, Brian Tonna, Konrad Mizzi and his Panama “shell”
The biggest and most notorious operator in Panamanian “shells” and companies devised to conceal assets from the authorities is Mossack Fonseca, a Panamanian operation headquartered in the Marbella area of Panama City. Mossack Fonseca has offices in different parts of the world, and in May 2013 – three months after JosephKonrad became Prime Minister – Mossack Fonseca opened up shop in Malta.
The operation it set up is called Mossack Fonseca & Co (Malta) Ltd and it is registered at the Malta Financial Services Authority (C 60535). Fifty per cent of the shares in this operation are held by Mossack Fonseca itself. The other 50 per cent are held by BT International Ltd, which is wholly owned by Brian Tonna personally. Tonna also owns Nexia BT (he likes his initials), which used its connections to Mossack Fonseca to set up Konrad Mizzi’s top-secret holding company in Panama.
The offices of Mossack Fonseca (Malta) are an extension of those of Nexia BT in Swatar (see addresses below). For some insight into Mossack Fonseca, read this and particularly this excellent Vice piece and this other Vice piece too.