Executive chairman of Malta Council for Science and Technology has another episode

Published: March 29, 2016 at 12:04pm

The psychiatric cycle of the executive chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology can be tracked through his public behaviour. He goes through periods when he is relatively quiet, off the airwaves and posting smileys and pictures of sunsets and his breakfast (cribbed off the internet, naturally).

Then a sudden bender hits, in which he becomes crazy, aggressive, hostile and very, very disturbed. Because he is not on medication – at least, not that anyone knows of – and also because he drinks so heavily which just compounds the psychiatric problems, these periods of heightened psychological disturbance and aggression proceed unabated until they subside naturally into the next stage of the cyclical process: sunsets and breakfast again.

Right now he has returned from his Easter break in Sicily (they got back on Sunday evening) in the worst frame of mind possible and anything but relaxed. He is comparing me to a cat-killer on Facebook and has a distorted picture of my face right up against one of a dead cat nailed to a piece of wood. He is also behaving extremely aggressively to anybody who challenges him (see below).

Pullicino Orlando is going through one of those really bad and violent episodes that are sadly all too familiar to his ex wife and current estranged wife, but seem not to bother Miss Boffa because he put her on the state payroll and has promoted her twice already. But more about that second promotion in a little while when I’ve checked a couple of things.

It is completely shocking that somebody with such serious psychiatric problems is left virtually in sole control of an important state council. But then we have come to expect behaviour no less disgraceful from the Muscat government.

jpo episode