How the Labour government/party is celebrating International Women’s Day

Published: March 8, 2016 at 11:13am

The Labour Party/government is celebrating International Women’s Day with sustained and planned assaults on two prominent women in public life.

They’re going to town on Ann Fenech, president of the Nationalist Party, using all means at their disposal and tangling government with party. Her face and name are currently all over billboards round the island, the internet and social media.

And last night, a minister of the government – Konrad Mizzi – went ballistic about me in Parliament, signalling that their crazy strategy in dealing with their mess is to launch yet another series of assaults on the person who revealed it.

They are so insane that they don’t even understand how serious it is, how dangerous to democracy, when a cabinet minister who is the subject of a series of revelations about his attempts to conceal assets through a company in Panama stands up in Parliament and uses his parliamentary privilege to launch a rabid verbal assault on the journalist who broke the story and scuppered his plans.

This government is dangerous and corrupt. Fight back. Joseph Muscat, Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri are dangerous and corrupt and they have hijacked the Labour Party. Fight back.