Konrad Mizzi lied in parliament – again
This is the kind of democracy in which we live – an abnormal one in which a minister of the government uses his parliamentary privilege to let rip at the journalist who broke the news of his top-secret asset-concealing company in Panama and trust in New Zealand, which he set up in concert with the Prime Minister’s chief of staff while both were dealing with Azerbaijan.
Konrad Mizzi was asked by the Opposition, yesterday in Parliament, to give an explanation of his behaviour. Instead he went ballistic, launching a verbal assault on me and accusing the Nationalist Party of working in tandem with me “even though the report into the causes of the Nationalist Party’s defeat mentions her as one of the causes”. That is a complete Labour Party lie. The relevant excerpt of the report is uploaded beneath.
Konrad Mizzi and his government – for now we have to call it his government, given that he is clearly the other side of the Prime Minister’s Janus face – have decided to target the journalist who broke the story to somehow try to discredit the story itself or shift the focus from it. This is insane. The story is what it is and it makes absolutely no difference who reported it, nor does it change the facts.
They also accuse the Opposition of “working with that one” – because, you know, it would be entirely normal for the Opposition to ignore a massively shocking government scandal like this, to ignore the facts completely, because I was the one who reported them. Again, totally insane.
The Labour Party has spent the last quarter of a century – yes, literally, since I was just 25 – ripping me to shreds with all means at its disposal, even using the services of its sympathisers and fellow-travellers in the media.

The relevant excerpt from the Nationalist Party’s 2013 general election defeat report which shows quite clearly that the report merely mentions feedback it received and no conclusions of its own.