National sports council chairman is defence counsel to man charged with football match-fixing
March 30, 2016 at 3:56pm
There’s a report in the Times of Malta today about a young man, the son of a former Valletta footballer (and as it happens, grandson of Is-Sei, who was embroiled in that whole Judge Arrigo bribery affair), who is being prosecuted for match-fixing in an organised.
His defence counsel includes Labour MP Luciano Busuttil, who is chairman of the Malta Sports Council, the national body concerned with overseeing sports in Malta.
The Labour Party knows no boundaries, no ethics, no morality, no correctness, no standards and no conflicts of interest. And there are times when I wonder whether it is all the result of lack of intelligence more than it is the lack of anything else.
The sheer, utter indecency of these scum is beyond belief.