Not voting is not the solution

Published: March 2, 2016 at 6:15pm

I have heard many of those who voted Labour in the last general election, after having previously voted for the Nationalists, saying that they are not going to vote at all this time round, because “both parties are just as bad”.

Both parties are just as bad, really? That is a shocking assertion. Saying something let that, let alone believing it, is evidence of such tremendous stupidity and lack of insight that I’m not surprised at all those people fell for that corrupt man, Joseph Muscat.

Not voting, indeed – what a great solution. Imagine if we were all to do the same. If nobody votes, why bother holding a general election at all? Let’s just choose a dictator, and have done with it. But ah, who would then choose the dictator?

People who think clearly reason this way: we are going to get a government whether we vote or not, so it makes sense to choose the best people to govern.

And by best, I do not necessarily mean the most competent, but the best in character. When people are of good character, you can’t go wrong. But when they are of bad character, all the good electoral manifestos and policies in the world will not save the electorate from gross abuse of the nature we are seeing now.

I didn’t vote to make Eddie Fenech Adami and Lawrence Gonzi prime minister because I thought their policies were fabulous (though EU membership was definitely an issue). I chose them because they were, still are, men of good character. And in doing so, I was also voting against the Labour leaders because they were (still are) men of bad character – Joseph Muscat especially. His character is rotten to the core – he is amoral to the point of psychopathy.

Good people vote to keep bad people out of power. That is the long and the short of it. Next time, do it. And don’t, whatever you do, let yourself be impressed or taken in by flash trash. Most grown women know that. It’s about time men learned it too.

Panama here I come