This one’s for Toni Abela

Published: March 15, 2016 at 2:59pm

I just can’t STAND the way these insufferably arrogant and ignorant hamalli think they know it all and needn’t bother to check like the rest of us do. Ma tarax. We know it all, eh.

They stick words into their sentences when they don’t know what they mean or even how to pronounce them. And this for a key, crucial and important speech like today. I grew up speaking the language and still I double-check anything I’m not quite sure about, but these useless gits, who grew up speaking only an uneducated dialect version of Maltese, have the brass neck to use words about which they are utterly clueless, in a language which is alien to them and their way of thinking.

Toni Abela, champion of ignorance, opened his address to the European Court of Auditors today with HARBINGER, pronounced like the Bing in Bingo. I cringed, and cringed again. All he had to do was ring government lackey Martin Scicluna or Google the YouTube video. But no such luck because a man who is arrogant and ignorant enough to think himself qualified for the European Court of Auditors when he can’t even manage his own diary is bound to think that these are rubbish details which don’t matter.

Toni Abela, Muscat's nominee for the European Court of Auditors

Toni Abela, Muscat’s nominee for the European Court of Auditors