Toni Abela’s performance was abysmal

Published: March 15, 2016 at 2:42pm

It was so painfully embarrassing that I almost died of shame for Malta. He bluffed and blustered and fudged about and despite two pointed, direct questions asking him to explain, clearly, exactly what happened in the case with the cocaine at the Labour Party club, he avoided the question completely and just said “I WAS INVESTIGATED BY THE POLICE AND THEY FOUND NOTHING WRONG.”

Shoot them all at dawn. They’ve dragged Malta down into the gutter where only they belong.

It was an awkward mess from the word Go, when he put on his ear/mike equipment badly and had to be helped. “SORRY. VERY SORRY. VERY SORRY,” he said, like an African native porter to the Sahib whose bags he had dropped.

And you could tell, clearly, that he had been given whole chunks of paragraphs to learn off by heart, about the workings of the Court of Auditors, because he inserted them in to his answers where they did not apply, like a child who studied the wrong thing for an exam and who wrote it down on the paper anyway. Tal-biki. Hamallu iehor tal-partit tal-imbarazz. He was asked directly about Maltese government corruption and all those people protesting in the streets last week “while you are a consultant to the Prime Minister” and he said “I am no longer involved in politics”. That’s right, as of yesterday.

Shot at dawn? It’s the blind and insane idiots who voted this bunch of corrupt hamalli into power who should be shot at dawn, not just them. We’re used to Toni Abela, but I’ll bet he left the room stunned just now. They’ll be thinking to themselves, “My God, is this really the best Malta can do?”
