Why have none of the TV stations got a quote from the Prime Minister?

Published: March 16, 2016 at 12:34am

I made an exception today and watched the television news – on all three stations, for my sins. Not only did none of them speak to the reject Toni Abela, but none of them got a quote off the Prime Minister, either.

This was all the more shocking – lousy work, failed Labour candidate Chris Cilia’s uncle Reno Bugeja – because TVM actually interviewed the Prime Minister at length this afternoon in London, face to face on camera by one of its people who was actually there, about some Commonwealth bollocks.

The fact that they didn’t ask him for his views about Toni Abela’s rejection, and how he plans to handle it, tells me that they had instructions from Bonsai Kurt to stay off the subject. Because you know how it is, in the land of free media and separation of powers that is Malta under Labour, TVM now takes instructions from the Office of the Prime Minister.

And if any of you out there watched the TVM news too, and saw the Prime Minister speaking, please would you confirm or contradict my distinct impression that the man was under the influence – probably not of drink but possibly of diazepam. He looked like somebody in a daze, his cockiness gone, blank eyes and concentrating hard to get the words out. He actually got stuck on LGBTQI despite repeating it like a mantra for three years. He actually looked normal for the first time since I first set eyes on him in 1992. I’m guessing this is the first real adversity that nasty piece of work has ever had to go through.