Does Bloomberg know that its Malta stringer is on the Prime Minister’s payroll?

Published: April 22, 2016 at 1:33am

You have to hand it to that shady operator Karl Stagno Navarra – he certainly knows how to straddle the fence when it comes to making a bent dollar.

He had himself put on the incoming Labour government’s payroll at Malta Enterprise – he is rumoured to have given the Labour Party a private conversation he recorded over lunch and kept for years, which Labour then published “anonymously” as a YouTube video in the run-up to the 2013 general election.

He also goes to hardcore Labour rallies for delegates, like the one called by the Prime Minister to show support for ‘sacked’ Michael Falzon at the Orpheum Theatre in Gzira.

Then he writes about the Prime Minister’s Panama Papers tribulations in his role as Malta stringer for Bloomberg.

A couple of poison dwarves at a Labour rally at the Orpheum Theatre in Gzira.

A couple of poison dwarves at a Labour rally at the Orpheum Theatre in Gzira.

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