Good for you, Stephanie

Published: April 14, 2016 at 3:41pm

Stephanie Chircop, who currently co-hosts a show on Net TV with Norman Vella, has won €2,000 in libel damages from Karl Stagno Navarro and Julia Farrugia.

Both of them were working for the newspaper Illum at the time, which is Malta Today’s sister newspaper in Maltese, and both now work for the government of Malta in positions of trust. Stagno Navarra is on the public payroll at Malta Enterprise (Minister Chris Cardona) and Farrugia is on the public payroll at Project Malta (Minister Konrad Mizzi) and at the Ministry for Gozo (Anton Refalo).

Stephanie Chircop was targeted in this manner because she is the estranged companion of Silvio ‘Do You Know Who I Am?’ Scerri, and the mother of his children. Scerri, who was a key component of the Labour Party’s electoral effort at the time, and who was then made chief of staff to the Minister of the Interior, Manuel Mallia, has spent the past few years waging war on Ms Chircop and trying to undermine her in various ways, including with her employers.

Sources inform me that at one stage Silvio Scerri even approached people within the Nationalist Party’s administration in an attempt at striking a deal on the party’s debt at the time to Nexos Lighting, his business, with the proviso that they sacked Ms Chircop from her television show. They did not accept.

This website had reported, too, how Scerri assaulted Ms Chircop and blackened her eye, and how she had filed a report against him with the police at the district station. But when the police officer in charge of that station tried to proceed with charges against Scerri, he was transferred to the police station in St Julian’s.

The way this evil clique operated and continues to operate against its political and personal enemies, real or perceived, using people in the media and in institutions, is truly ghastly. It is the antithesis of democracy. And now we know that all along, people like Karl Stagno Navarra and Julia Farrugia were never really interested in journalism, but only in latching themselves onto the public teat as soon as they could.

stephanie chircop