Instead of kicking them out, he defends them

Published: April 25, 2016 at 9:26am

The Prime Minister was ‘interviewed’ on his party’s radio station Sunday morning, defending his two corrupt and sleazy henchmen – including the one who said that he wanted a Panama company and New Zealand trust to shelter what turns out to be a crap end-of-terrace new-build in Blackheath, where hope goes to die in tiny cramped rooms in the middle of nowhere, bought for £365,000.

Can it be more obvious that he’s in it right up to neck with them? I’d say up to the eyeballs, but that means he couldn’t be breathing.

People are picking on Keith Schembri, the Prime Minister said, “because he gets things done and he knows how to cut through bureaucracy”. I’ll say he does. That corrupt bustard (it’s a bird) has torn through bureaucracy in ways that leave little to the imagination as to what he and his little criminal circle in the Office of the Prime Minister are up to. But when the poor bustard tried to rip through bureaucracy with nine banks in the UAE, the Caribbean and Panama, they warned him against running with scissors.

When it’s all over, I might be tempted to write a black comedy about all this. Maybe by that time we’ll be able to laugh – darkly – about this mess and how we ended up in it thanks to the insufferable arrogance of many electors who thought they were so much smarter than the rest of us and that they were in on some amazing Taghna Lkoll secret which stupid and brainwashed people like me refused to see because we are “obsessed with the Nationalist Party”.

Idiots, all – you are responsible for this disaster through your daft and unthinking choices at the polls, and you bloody well know it whatever excuses you might make to the contrary in the privacy of your own mind. Next time, try hard to use the bit of brain God gave you. And now that you’ve put the axe-man into power, do us all a favour and stop pretending to faint at the sight of blood.

sack them