The new Labour deputy leader (after another sham election)

Published: April 29, 2016 at 7:52pm

Konrad Mizzi and Chris Cardona

chris cardona

chris cardona joseph muscat

Chris Cardona off his head 1

Chris Cardona off his head 2

chris cardona 3

chris cardona 1

Chris Cardona ikla spaghetti

Chris Cardona Mario Azzopardi

Chris Cardona

chris cardona

With the boy he appointed to the board of a state corporation - remember that?

With the boy he appointed to the board of a state corporation – remember that?

With Mazzola Gafa, a member of the Maltese and Brazilian underworld who is known to the police

With Mazzola Gafa, a member of the Maltese and Brazilian underworld who is known to the police